Operation Waaagh! Up date.

So on a sleepy Saturday afternoon rummaging around my garage I found my old 2nd edition 40k Orks from the old box set! Sweet! A great place to start my new Orks warband.

As you can see 12/13 year old me was not much of a painter but looking at these guys brings back some fond memories.

So the plan is to start small, literally in that I am going to start with repainting 10 Gretchin. I don't much care for the old Goff Orks so I may not do anything with them and keep them to one side for nostalgic reasons. The Gretchin on the other hand I reckon I will be able to get away with in my new army looks wise. Yes the sculpts are all the same but there fun little buggers so looking forward to giving them a new lease of life.

Untill next time, WAAAGH!


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