So my first lot of Ork Boyz turned up in the post and I set to work putting them together. Now these are the most up to date Orks on the market albeit they have been around for a very long time. (I wonder if they are updated with the up and coming 8th edition Codex due to land) However the 'modern' Ork is now more serious looking, gone are the days of the whimsical space Ork of the 2nd edition days.

As I am looking to create a 2nd edition feel with the army I may need to do a few very simple conversions. As a kid I always wanted this Bad Moon model! I loved the moon style hat.

So I have taken it upon myself to try and replicate this look. What do you think? I'm quite happy with it and once painted it will look ever better I'm sure.

My next task is to work out what skin colour scheme to go for. I will report on this next time.

Until next time! WAAAGH!!!



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